
Name Writing for Beginners

Since young children are discovering more about themselves everyday, teach them to write their name.

orange construction paper
yellow construction paper
washable markers
glue stick
laminator (FedEx Kinko's has a self serve one)

Fold the yellow construction paper long ways and cut on fold. Write your child's name neatly on the paper in black. Glue it to the top of the orange construction paper. Laminate the finished product.

The best way to learn something is to do it often. Using a dark colored marker (other than black), have your child trace his/her name on the yellow portion of the paper. Then have him/her write name on the orange portion of the paper, using name above as a guide. Once name has been written, it will erase with a paper towel. If it needs to be cleaned, use a baby wipe or water. Your child can reuse this page to practice writing his/her name.

Once your child has mastered writing his/her first name this way, make another name card that includes first and last name.

You can also use this card to teach your child the letters in his/her name. At first, you will need to point to each letter, say its name, and have your child repeat it after you. Eventually, your child will be able to point to the letters and name them without your help.

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